Ellipsis Zine

Ellipsis Zine

Two Dudes and Three Witches by Chris Cottom

From: richard.burbage@globe.comTo: will.shakespeare@stratford.com Subject: The Three Witches                         Hi Will Thanks for changing the title of Two Dudes of Verona. It wasn’t right, like Romeo and Cleopatra and The Merry Wives…

Breaking Windows by Jan Kaneen

Dangerous things, windows — for their transparency and fragility, and soooo tempting from the outside in. I should know — spend my life gazing through them. Doing it now as…

Homesick by Terri Mullholland

The whole neighbourhood had expired. Only a few houses were still standing, all on their final exhale. ‘They did warn us,’ said Grandpa. ‘Told us the average lifespan of a…

A Dolphin by Bethany Jarmul

Underwater you can’t hear much—you can’t hear Mom and Dad arguing after you’re supposed to be asleep, you can’t hear your mother crying in the kitchen over a pot of…