Ellipsis Zine

Ellipsis Zine

Special by Martin Geraghty

I watch them from my chair by the window. Mummy has dressed me in brown, cord pedal pushers and a white blouse with navy-blue bow that dangles from the top…

The Beginning by Emma De Vito

Time stood still. Just for a moment. But it was enough. Their eyes closed as the silty sand was sprinkled over their faces. Sleep came quickly and plunged them into…

Jeopardy by Sarah Edghill

You send me a text in the evening, as I’m sitting on the sofa beside my husband. ‘Who’s that?’ he asks. ‘Just a woman from work.’ I click to close…

Land of Sale by Sian Brighal

Dust is free to dance along these streets, leaping up at the wind’s advances. Leaves follow, skittering and scratching like some music band, then empty plastic bags roll along the…