Ellipsis Zine is an online literary magazine for beautifully written fiction & creative nonfiction. 1,000 words or fewer, any genre.
We love stories that make us forget where we are, stories that introduce us to people, places and things we’ve never seen before and stories that stick with us long after we leave them.
Online, we publish three new stories per week; on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and in print, we publish three publications per year. Details of our first print publication, ‘One’, can be found here.
Please follow us on twitter: twitter.com/EllipsisZine or like us on facebook: facebook.com/EllipsisZine.LitMag
Ellipsis Zine is managed by Steve Campbell, who has the support of an editorial board of international flash fiction writers and published authors. View their biographies here: Editorial Board.
Image: Jan Erik Waider