Our ninth zine is a collection of micro fiction and flash fiction of no more than 350 words.
Print and digital editions.
Author list
Kathryn Aldridge-Morris, Emma Allmann, Edward Barnfield, Renato Barucco, Laura Besley, Sharon Boyle, Sian Brighal, Melissa Llanes Brownlee, F. E. Clark, David Cook, Alexander Evans, Diane D. Gillette, Leslie Grollman, Andrea Koohi, Kinneson Lalor, Elle Lavoix, Kik Lodge, Tim Love, Rosaleen Lynch, Sarah McPherson, Jess Moody, Sarah Mosedale, Liz Ottosson, Steven Patchett, T. L. Ransome, Johanna Robinson, Kay Sandry, Yashar Seyedbagheri, Lauren Sharp, Victoria Stewart, SJ Townend, Sarah Wallis, Martha Watson and Maura Yzmore