Familial Disturbances by Mason Binkley

Mason Binkley’s debut flash fiction collection, ‘Familial Disturbances’.
In these stories, internal and external forces strain the relationships among family members. Some of the characters learn to cope. Some do nothing. Others descend into madness.

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Reviews of ‘Familial Disturbances’.

Binkley’s writing toes the edges of the fantastic without ever quite crossing the line into it. Language serves both as bridge and barrier between the real and unreal. While certain stories feel surreal, or out of time, or downright strange, they are nonetheless rooted in the here and now, the grinding gears of physics and pulsing life.
SmokeLong Quarterly review

A multi-faceted examination of the betrayals and wounds of family. I was grabbed from the very first line: “The larger a fetus becomes, the more it resembles a grenade” and found myself nodding in understanding or sympathy with the characters.
Goodreads review

Familial Disturbances is a brilliant read! It has the perfect blend of darkness and humor and, quite possibly, is a searing satire on American life. It also feels like “Tales From The Crypt” meets “The Twilight Zone.” Pour a glass of wine and enjoy its simple complexity.
Goodreads review

Familial Disturbances’ is a strong, political and astute flash fiction collection that starts with an explosive first line and never drops below excellent. These stories will jam you into uncomfortable shoes, rattle your emotions, then make you reflect for days after reading.
Stephanie Hutton, award-winning author of ‘Three Sisters of Stone’.

I marvel at Binkley’s confirmation that the world is both a blessing and a mystery. His stories are unpredictably piercing, and with poetic prose, he dissects the tangled parts of our lives with bittersweet beauty. His characters are often in the complex throes of various familial relations, enduring strains of joy, love, and loss- struggles he navigates in sparse, breathtaking, lyrical prose.
Robert Vaughan, author of ‘Funhouse’ and ‘Microtones’

Image: unsplash.com