Ellipsis Zine

Ellipsis Zine

Pay Day by Anna Dempsey

The man leans close to the glass and loudly recites his employee identification number. The cashier types in the eight digits then studies the screen. “Zero citations, The Store has…

Her Heart is an Ankle by Sara Dobbie

If you were at the café around the corner last night you would have overheard an extraordinary conversation. Not that you would’ve intended on eavesdropping, but considering the close proximity…

Charlie by Asha Rajan

The day my oldest son ran away from home, a wedge-tailed eagle took up residence in his room. Nobody knew where it had come from, or where he had gone.…

Phone Calls by B F Jones

Mum never calls. It’s an unspoken rule since I left home. It’s down to me to call and I do so, on Sundays, generally late afternoon. Phone in one hand,…