Ellipsis Zine

Ellipsis Zine

Tishfank by Christopher James

I took my goldfish to see the aquarium manta rays. What do you reckon? I asked. “Meh,” he said. “That sting in their tale didn’t do them much good. They’re…

Fists by Daniel W. Thompson

What if the bully wasn’t the one with the fists? I know it sounds strange, especially when the fists were most certainly real and quite sharp. Just the word, fist,…

Signs of Life by Emma Allmann

One. She stepped onto road and there was one before she even started. As she stretched her hamstrings and twisted her back the deer pranced away into the woods. Her…

Amen by Alva Holland

A bottle of holy water from Lourdes sat on the floor of the cloakroom, just inside the door, untouched by anyone except Ma who used it to refill the tiny…