Third-person Bio by Kik Lodge

Shauna May lives by the river with her two parakeets. Her work has been published in various journals, including Stodgy and the Toiler’s Review and she is currently working on a novella-in-flash on the theme of loneliness, even if her mother says why don’t you write something a bit chirpier, a bit more Benny Hill? Shauna has since stopped sending stories to her mother, and it will not be her fault when her mother happens upon the one about the penis that walks into a bar whilst she is searching for scraps of her children on-line. Even if the penis has the same name as her stepdad, it does not necessary mean it is him. Ideas come to her in the shower mostly, but if she gets an idea before the tit-check, it will most likely evanesce come tit-check when all she will be thinking of is gristle, her impeding demise and who will care for the parakeets. To avoid thinking about said gristle, she will tumble into red-tape or vodka; the former form-filling activity proving surprisingly effective drunk. She writes at her desk, in the car at traffic lights, or on the toilet at parties where she seems to spend a lot of her time.

Biography: Kik Lodge writes short fiction in France.Her work has featured in The Moth, Tiny Molecules, The Cabinet of Heed, Milk Candy Review, Reflex Fiction, Ellipsis Zine, Splonk, Bending Genres, Janus Literary and Litro. Follow @KikLodge.
