Sophia Haddad: Heart on your Sleeve
Alexa Hailey: The Taste of Everyone Who Ever Failed You – Or Did You Fail Somehow?
Agnes Halvorssen: Singing For No-one
Lee Hamblin: And From Somewhere Far Away, The Mother Watched On | Cold, Black, and Bitter | Tram 28 | Son Father Daughter Love
Marc Hamer: Alice
Rachel Handley: Heat
Hannah Hannan: The Fiduciary Game
Mary Hanrahan: The Departed
Batnadiv HaKarmi: Flour White
Lucy Harbron: The Ick
Janelle Hardacre: The Angel Dress | Behind Glass
Lindsay Hargrave: There is a Hospital Just for Eyes in Old City
Emily Harrison: How They Love | Dream Tunnel | The End Nearly Always Mirrors The Beginning | Space | What You Think of When | That’s where the life is
Meriel Harrison: Vixen and Dog
GJ Hart: Janet’s Dave
David Hartley: Bertha | Shame-Shadow-Threads
Candace Hartsuyker: Pearl
Jennifer Harvey: 1 + 1 = 3 | The Long and the Short of It
Edward Haynes: Kintsugi
Gina Headden: Red-raw
Derek Heckman: Bread Crumbs
Duncan Hedges: A Craft Awry
Michelle Hemstedt: Incubus
Abi Hennig: Skinny Joe | Spending Time With You | Ashes to Ashes
Mike Hickman: Self-Isolation
Sabrina Hicks: Where the Hummingbirds Go
Jude Higgins: Oh Lord | Backgammon for Beginners | Turncoat | Princess
Valerie Hilal: Blow Dandelion Blow
Ann Hillesland: Two Sticks
Max Hipp: Truly
James Hodgson: Rubies in your legs
Marissa Hoffmann: Though Dave Has the Back of a Camel, Diane Inherited a Retractable Pitchfork
Susan Holcomb: Phantoms
Alva Holland: Amen | The E is Silent
John Holland: The Winner | Golden Hoopoe
Terry Holland: Portrait of the artist as an out-of-shape middle-aged failure with an expanding waist, receding hairline, shrinking horizons and the feeling of living through the Beginning of the End Times (again) while struggling to make sense of a world he has long since given up even trying to understand
Katie Holloway: Months of Rosebuds
Michael Holloway: Let’s All Be There
Sophia Holme: Lady Grey
Sonia Hope: Belly | Moustache | Pink Orange Red
Jennifer Howell: A Perfect Order
Kathy Hoyle: Black Dog | Damnatio Memoriae
Hannah Hulbert: Little Shadow
Ulrica Hume: Jewel
Hannah Hutchings-Georgiou: The Making of the Ink: the first mark
Christopher Iacono: The Twelve Opossums
Maria A. Ioannou: Philip always wanted to be Fontana di Trevi
Jason Jackson: Wild Spanish Boar, 1991 | Just as Cold and Gone
Bethan James: Static
Bethany Jarmul: A Dolphin
Maggie Jankuloska: Teeth in Heart | Fallen Peaches
Ashley Jeffalone: It’s Okay to Want
Ross Jeffery: Tethered
Phebe Jewell: Missionary Positions | God’s House | Field Trip | Platform
Tiffany Jimenez: Telekinesis
Steven John: Holly’s Party | Abandoned Dogs
Blake Johnson: Shades
Fee Johnstone: Bake Until Done
B F Jones: Phone Calls | A Funeral in Provence | Trypophobia | Quicksand
Gaynor Jones: Living With It | To My Three Year Old, Naked in the Bath | A Series of Small Things | Before the Nose | The Ditch | It’s Only A Cell if You Call it One, And We Never Did | A House that Refuses to be Haunted
Josh Jones: Fat Hands
Jupiter Jones: Glen & the Zippo
Karen Jones: The Wages of Sin | Wishlist | Beyond My Window | Tall Smiles and Kitten Heels | Whatever I Saw in You
Kate Jones: Swings
Liz Jones: The Perfect Wave
Rhiannon Jones: We Keep Ourselves to Ourselves
Shelly Jones: A Fall Tradition
Peter Jordan: At the Bottom of the Glass
Danielle Jorgenson-Murray: The Princess Diana Memorial Fountain
Patti Jurinski: F is For Flower
Gary Kaill: Exhibit on Temporary Loan
Anna Kander: Hydrangeas
Jan Kaneen: Six Things I’ll Have Done by the Time You Wake Up | Where Shadow Meets Shade | Breaking Windows
Sophie Kearing: The One for Which I Ache | I Live in Emotional Squalor
Jamie J. Kelly: Songbird
Sophie Kelly: The Matter of Us
Ashley Kemker: To an Alligator Farm I Saw Advertised on the Highway
Jon Kemsley: Braving the Crowds
Jake Kendall: Just the Two of Us | The Wedding Party
Lisa Kenway: Fly in Fly out Love
Mark Joseph Kevlock: The End of Night
Amy J. Kirkwood: because of Oxford
Rebecca Klassen: Homework
Veronica Klash: Smells Are Important
Wilson Koewing: Follower (The Instagram Dad) | Carpet Burn
Nooks Krannie: Pause
Al Kratz: Against the Dying of the Light
Michelle Kulwicki: Horse
Luis Jefté Lacourt: On Account of my Left Index Finger
Kelli Lage: The Elf
Dominic Laing: To Dad, on Turning 70
Janis Lane: Cabbage for Tea
Martha Lane: Seagull-feather Rattle | Nesting | Marzipan | Fins | Nothing Left but the Dial Tone | To the Man Dithering by the Overpriced Chocolates in the Petrol Station | Surviving the Swamp
Hanne Larsson: 10 Ways to Create Love
Emma Lawson: Family History
Shannon Layne: God Lives in a Birdhouse in the Redwood Forest
Janice Leagra: Dagger
S.A. Leavesley: Extracting the Best Bits | Eel, Frog and Butterfly | The Day We Disappeared
Tamara Lebron: Window
Giselle Leeb: Funeral
Mark Left: The Arrival Of The Birds At Blakeney
Tucker Leighty-Phillips: Pass Out Game
Rica Lewis: The Thing That Lives Inside | A Moment, A Song
D. Brody Lipton: Clean
Spencer Litman: The Impossible Woman
Melissa Llanes Brownlee: Giving All the Aloha
Sophie van Llewyn: Water Horse | There Are No Sea Creatures
Adam Lock: Bruised Vanilla | Men Being Animals | Tattooed
Kik Lodge: Aunt Pook, Mum and Me | Bunnies | Third-person Bio | Chocomel
Kristen Loesch: One Hot Day
Tim Love: Deathbed
Michael Loveday: Professor Kirschner’s Revenge | Tiny Lionel Richie In My Driveway
Katie Lu: A Painting in the Sea
Colin Lubner: Names
Rosaleen Lynch: Under the Gaze of the Lion | I Wear Other People | The Alligator Clock | I Am Coin | Torn | What if Your Mother was the Woman Next Door
James McAdams: The Donderback Initiative | Skinemax
Geraldine McCarthy: The Visit
Emma McEvoy: Where the Heart is | Healing Hands
Ali McGrane: Fina’s Unusual Day | First Fear | Hidden Wings | Tissue Paper Whispers
Rob McIver: Stolen Lives
Elaine McKay: Glass
Fiona McKay: A Temporal Haunting
Amanda McLeod: Where We’re Going, We Won’t Need A Map | The Good Thief
Shannon McLeod: Even the Sudden Comes in Increments
Michael Mcloughlin: Sworn to Secrecy | Digging Up the Past
Will McMillan: Girl Fight
Catherine McNamara: Love is an Infinite Victory | The Question | The Era of Content
Nia McCash: The Things I Don’t Want to Talk About, Even Now as I Tell You This
Sarah McPherson: When You’ll Know | Half and Whole | Pianissimo | Billy Used To Talk About the Forest
Barbara McVeigh: My Parents Went to Prague and All They Got Me was this Lousy T-shirt
David McVey: The Twelve Days of Christmas
Anita MacCallum: Invisible Women Suck Cherries
Emily Macdonald: Annus Horribilis and a Blue Fiat Strada
Fiona J. Mackintosh: Lepidopterae | The Ring | How Different Atoms Handle Light
Katy Madgwick: The Exceptional Properties of Sea Glass
Kim Magowan: Compensation
Kim Magowan & Michelle Ross: The Summer I Turned Thirteen
Andrew Maguire: The Hotel
FC Malby: An Invisible Force | You Listen to the Sound of Gulls
Louise Mangos: Criteria for Cocktail Hour on a Tropical Atoll | The Magic of the First Word
Abby Manzella: Inconsequential Things
Carmen Marcus: The Glassel Prince
Andrea Marcusa: Leaving a Mark
Joe Marczynski: He Walked Up To Me and He Asked Me If I Wanted to Dance
Adrian Markle: Let It Settle In
Cheryl Markosky: Bad to the Bone: A Guide to Ornithology Feng Shui
Jayne Martin: Grandpa’s Last Ride | A Place for Everything | As the Story Goes
Amber Massie-Blomfield: It’s Christmas Jumper Day at Jacksons Estate Agent
Michelle Matheson: The Scarlet Tang of Failure | When Juniper Burns
Helen Matthews: On Crosby Beach
Becky May: Alison at the Fair
Lynsey May: Beyond the Body
Scott Mitchel May: Generational Pissings
Enya Mayne: 21 Grams
Edie Meade: Fossil Record Partially Recovered
Bonnie Meekums: Scientist transforms spinach leaves into beating human heart tissue after coming up with the idea during lunch
Stephan Meijerhof: Socks
Jay Merill: Ghost Swimmer
Bill Merklee: Empty Nest
Tiffany Meuret: Graveyard For Phobias
Chris Milam: The Great Columbus Motel Pool | Here Comes the Orange | Someday | Abandoned | Trailer Park Nights | Hurt Me
Corey Miller: Pocket Monsters (Red Version)
Dawn Miller: Chaos Theory
Kate Miller: Lighthouse
Robert John Miller: Speed of Light
Vineetha Mokkil: Speaking in Koans
Damhnait Monaghan: Crash and Burn | The Eye of the Beholder | Blue Moon
James Montgomery: Sebby’s Rocket
Jess Moody: Now Hold On | Ellie Makes Her Own Kind of Music | Sister of the Jilted Bride
Samantha K Mosca: Heartbeat
Sarah Mosedale: The Square on the Hypotenuse
Kirsten Mosher: Around the Block
Steven Moss: Dad Set Fire To A Field
Terri Mullholland: Homesick
Traci Mullins: The Warrior and the Fishergirl
Kim Murdock: Under the Circumstances
Will Musgrove: The Used Car Salesman
Zach Murphy: Views from a Laundromat | What Do I Wear to My Friend’s Funeral?